South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office

In this page, we are providing for users, completely free, best, and most updated South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office phone number 404-699-6900 and information for South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office. For visiting the unemployment office or to send mail, you need to use this South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office address: 2636-14 Martin Luther King Jr Drive, South Metro Atlanta, Georgia State, 30311-1635.

According to our database records, it shows that this is the most up-to-date South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office phone number and information that is currently available, to contact during normal/regular office hours.

What is South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office Phone Number?

South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office Contact Number is 404-699-6900

Are you searching for an unemployment office phone number, address, or information that you can’t find on our website? Our team is available to hear from you and receive your request – all you need to do is to write us using the comments form below, at the end of this page and we will do all the leg work for you, all without any cost, completely free. Our goal is to provide the best and most updated database, completely free.

This South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office contact number that is shown on this webpage, is from our database and is the most up-to-date contact number. This South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office contact number enables you to reach out the person you are looking for in all this unemployment office. When you are calling the South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office phone number on this page, most important to first listen to the recording that is played that enables you to reach out to the destination person fast.

What is South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office Address?

Below you can find South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office address where you can either send mail or visit the offices of South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office:

South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office
2636-14 Martin Luther King Jr Drive
South Metro Atlanta
Georgia 30311-1635

How do I contact a real person at South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office?

If you want to speak to a real person at South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office, the best and fastest way is by simply use this South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office contact number: 404-699-6900 and listen to the voice recording that will direct you fast to the right real person.

What was the highest unemployment rate in the state of Georgia?

The highest unemployment rate in the state of Georgia was 12.5 percent which occurred in April, 2020.

What was the lowest unemployment rate in the state of Georgia?

The lowest unemployment rate in the state of Georgia was 3.3 percent which occurred in January, 2020.

What is the waiting time period for unemployment in the state of Georgia?

The waiting time period for unemployment in the state of Georgia is 0 weeks, and as there is no waiting period, there is no need with a waiver due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Unemployment Explained
Watch this video to learn what is unemployment, how it works, the basics of unemployment.

The information on this website is completely free to use and will continue to be as our team is keen on getting people the updated South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office phone number, address, and information from our updated database for South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office and other unemployment offices in the state of Georgia and all other states. While we keep our database updated, we’d appreciate any information you may provide about South Metro Atlanta Georgia Unemployment Office or other unemployment offices using the comments form below on this page.

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